Corey Hemstreet Corey Hemstreet is a tribal citizen of the Navajo Nation and calls Tuba City, AZ, her home. Corey is also a recipient of a Friends of Hubbell’s $3,000 graduate scholarship. She is currently pursuing a Masters of Public Health at Northern Arizona University.

“Although rich in beauty and history, my tribal community suffers from poor health disparities, substandard housing, and various socioeconomic inequities. As a first-generation college graduate, I am determined to pursue a higher education, gain experience, and return to my home community to address these issues so that my community can thrive and flourish.”

To help alleviate these inequities, Corey has established a career in public health and has worked as a Community Health Worker and Health Program Manager. She chose to earn a Masters of Public Health and Health Promotion degree to learn more about public health infrastructure, program assessment and evaluation, and strengthen her research skills.

“My career goal of becoming a leader and advocate in public health and federal Indian Policy aligns with the Masters of Public Health Program, because I am determined to help advance health equity for all communities. Working with tribal and underserved communities has always been one of Corey’s passions and she believes everyone ought to live and die with dignity. “My life-long goal is to continue to learn from my counterparts and eventually return back home to help improve the health and wellness of my community as a leader and advocate, while bringing up the next generation of healthcare leaders and professionals.” Corey says that this scholarship is both a short- and long-term investment in herself, her family and her tribal community.
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