The Friends of Hubbell
National Historic Site Welcomes You!

Meet Some of the Hubbell Trading Post Staff

Tonita Yazzie, Weaver: Hello, My name is Tonita Yazzie of Chinle Az. I am a weaver demonstrator for Hubbell Trading Post. I am 42 years old, and I love weaving rugs. I hope to meet you all one day. Please stop by and say hello on your next visit to the trading post.

Wallace James, Jr., Trader: Yá’át’ééh shik’éí dóó shidine’é, Wallace James Jr yinishyé. Tse’njikini Nishlí, Naakai Dine’e bashishchiin, Honaghaahnii dashicheii, To’dich’ii’nii dashinalí Ákót’éego diné nishłį́. Trader for Hubbell Trading Post. Ahéhee’ 🙂
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