In Person Native American Art Auctions

Our next Friends of Hubbell Native American Arts Auction’s are scheduled for:
Saturday May 3, 2025 & Saturday September 27, 2025
Gallup Community Services Building
410 Bataan Veterans St.
Gallup, NM 87310
Preview is from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM and the auction will start at 12:00 noon and go until all items are offered to the bidders.
If you would like to volunteer to assist us on the day of the auction,
please contact us through our email address at
Remember that the Navajo Reservation observes daylight saving time.
Our Native American Art Auctions have become our biggest fund raising events and they enable us to, in part, support our scholarship program, support the park in its endeavors, and to fund other special events. The main purpose of each auction is to provide economic assistance to the artists and community. In the many years that the Friends group has run the auction, we have returned over $3,000,000 to the Native American communities through the artists who consign items into the auction since 1990. Our sales and auction process returns approximately 85 cents of every dollar sold to the Native American community. There is no sale tax or entrance fee for the buyers. The FoH Native American Art Auctions are held in May and September. We spend the week before the auction accepting items from Native American artists including Navajo, Hopi, and other Puebloan tribes. Generally we have 400+ items entered. The auction has been called the best kept secret in the Southwest but we still attract bidders from both coasts and all over because of the exceptional value and authenticity of the auction items.
Many types of Native American art are entered into the auction:
Hopi Katsina Dolls – Pottery – Carvings – Fetishes – Navajo & Hopi Baskets – Navajo Rugs
Jewelry – Concho Belts – Sash Belts – Paintings – Cradle Boards – and Many More

Local traders and Native American vendors will be offering all types of arts and crafts. Food will also be available.

Email us for additional information or questions at: